Need Help fixing My Ez Go Speed Controller
My Ez Go golf cart is not running at a smooth and constant speed. I think the problem is with the speed controller. I have checked everything else! Can someone help?
Hi Alf,
To troubleshoot your EZGO cart speed controller carry out the following:
- Under the drivers seat if your vehicle has one, flip the cart to maintenance mode,
- Ensure your batteries are connected,
- Check all your battery to motor wiring looking for damage, kinks, loose ends etc,
- Note and check the voltage on your batteries,
- Check the solenoid. Using your multimeter put the +ve lead on the solenoid end closest to your battery. The reading should be the same as your voltage reading taken in 4. above,
- Take the voltage reading at the other end of the solenoid with your +ve multimeter lead. This reading is supposes to be 3 volts less than the battery reading. If the reading is the same as the battery then your solenoid needs replacing. If it is significantly less, then you need to replace the resistor,
- Connect the -ve multimeter lead to your controller’s “M” terminal and +ve multimeter lead to your controller’s “B+” terminal. Accelerate the cart, you should see the voltage increase from 0 Volts to the full battery voltage noted at 4. above. If you see no voltage then the controller requires replacement.
Check out our troubleshooting guides here.